HooSavings.com Merchant FAQ's!

Many of our most common questions regarding our features, benefits and advantages can be found below.

Is the place for you to grow your business by advertising your digital coupon to be viewed by local consumers.
Which allows people to learn more about the products and services you offer as well as how to contact or find out where your business is located. Which attracts New customers to your business.

Links consumers right to your business website directly from your Hoosavings deal

Which allows you to show case other products and services you are offering to new customers through the increase of website traffic linked directly to your website through Hoosavings.com

Which means more consumer traffic, which equals Increased Monthly Sales

Does not charge you a percentage of your sale

Which allows you to retain 100% of the revenue from your sale

Which means Higher margins (More profitability)

Only charges 1 Low monthly fee of $29.95 per Coupon

Which eliminates high advertisement costs

Which = Affordable & Effective advertisement

Gives you the Analytics tracking tool to track your ads performance

Which allows you to see how many times consumers have viewed, printed or down loaded your deal as well as how many consumers linked to your website.

Which supplies you with the needed information to better understand what products or services you offer are more attractive to consumers.

Offers Consumers and Merchants a way to further share your deal with friends, family, other consumers via text, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Which allows your business deal to be shared by both consumers and merchants throughout Social media

Which Increases Consumer awareness of who you are and the products and services your business offers.